Buffers & Staining kits

Fresh buffers are the only solutions for high protein performance!
Suitable buffers are vital for your proteins.

Buffers from Hypermol are made from analytical grade chemicals in ultrapure water, to meet your high demands. 

Here you find ready-to-use buffer with components of short shelf-life (ATP, DTT) for optimal conditions. 
As an example, the actin polymerization buffer PolyMix is supplied as a one step 10x stock solution: add 1ml of ultrapure water and mix 1:10 v/v with G-actin. PolyMix is used to dilute F-actin and ligands, providing conditions meeting the demands of in vitro works with actin filaments.

For high protein performance & convenient, time-saving bench work.  

Buffers from Hypermol are made of purest reagents in Milli-Q water, as described in our publications. 

Validated product quality with Satisfaction Guarantee! 


MonoMix .1 (50x G-actin buffer with .1mM DTT)
MonoMix is a G-actin buffer for dilution of G-actin or G-actin ligands. 

Essential G-actin buffer to:
  • maintains the G-actin state;
  • used for dialysis of actin and ligands in actin assays with 0.1mM DTT;
from 31,00 EUR
ATP | 100mM, pH 7.4
Add 1.0ml of H2O to obtain a fresh 100mM stock solution. 
Powder: 100mM ATP, 5.0mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.4. 
24,00 EUR
F-Actin BufferKit (to modulate actin dynamics)
F-Actin BufferKit is used to:
  • polymerize G-actin to F-actin;
  • manipulate actin dynamics by varying the salt conditions;
  • prevent denaturing of actin during analysis;
68,00 EUR
AMP-PNP | 100mM, pH 7.4
Add 50µl of H2O to obtain a fresh 100mM stock solution. 
Powder: 100mM AMP-PNP, 50 mM Hepes titrated with NaOH to pH 7.4. 
65,00 EUR
21 to 31 (from a total of 31)