Custom Synthesis

Custom Synthesis of Protein Conjugates & Custom Purification of Proteins
It´s your choice!
Hypermol is specialized on the purification and modification of actins and actin binding proteins.
We offer the custom preparation from native tissue and the synthesis of protein conjugates of your choice.

Using a dye of your choice with the properties demanded, we manufacture a conjugate of highest quality for your research project.

  Please contact for a quote for a product of your choice.

For custom synthesis and custom preparation of proteins, contact the TechnicalService:
  fon:    +49 (0) 521 987 623 0 



Analytical Services

Ready to start your assay!

Our facilities offer a range of techniques to characterize protein interactions from biophysical to biochemical analyses.

If you are interested in...

Microscopical analyses
  • Epifluorescence
  • Transmission Electron Microscopy...

 Biochemical assays
  • Cosedimentation analyses
  • Analytical gelfltration
  • Limited proteolysis
  • SDS-PAGE, IEF, 2D-PAGE, Western and Dot blot ...

 Biophysical analyses
  • High precision Fluorometry (Fluorimetry), 96-384 well Pyrene Assays, HTA 
  • Dynamic light scattering
  • Ostwald viscometry
  • ATPase assays ...
... contact the TechnicalService:

fon:    +49 (0) 521 987 623 0  


The Hypermol Buffer Service

We have the individual solutions...
Some reseach applications require specific solutions for the use of actin and actin ligands.
We prepare your specific buffers containing e.g. dH2O, or buffers suitable for EGTA/Mg++ - systems or lipids.
All buffers are prepared with analytical grade chemicals in ultrapure water, as all our products.  

You need a specific buffer? 
Ask us and experience again our reliable quality at favorable prices. 

For custom synthesis and custom preparation of buffers, contact the TechnicalService:
fon:    +49 (0) 521 987 623 0  

Get your free actin

Did you already experience the quality of our actin?

Get your free sample! 

Add this free sample to your basket and we are pleased to send you a free sample of 250µg alpha-actin from rabbit skeletal muscle, to experience how reliable, time saving and convenient actin works can be! 


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